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Sunday , 11:42 , 0 comments
It started when you added me on facebook. In that time, your friend is my bf. Your bestfriend. Your classmate. After two weeks, i decided to send you messageS to ask you about my bf. Why he didn't text me? Where is he? And everything. You replied. You explained. You said that his phone was broken. And its true. You said that he loves me so much. And i ask you to say that i miss him. Like alot. Then we became closer because you're his bestfriend, so it'll be easier for me to ask about him. About three days, we're stop messaging. Because my bf texted me using his cousin's phone. So, i don't message you anymore. My bf didn't text me. Again. So i messaged you and ask what's wrong with him. And you don't know. I said that I MISS YOU. Idk why! Suddenly type and send it. You said that you misses me too. The next day, i got a text from my bf, he asked for a break up. I called him. He answered and he said that he was busy. Then we broke up. Because of that I MISS YOU thingy. Stupid me. I lose hope. I'm down. I'm sad. Idk what to do. So i moved on. Suddenly, you messaged me! You asked for forgiveness for what happen. I said that its not your fault. Its mine. Then blablablablabla. We became closer again! You ask me for my number. And i gave it. We text all day. Every single day. Then you confessed you said that you like me since my ex showed you my picture. You fell in love. But, you have to throw away all of the feelings because of your friend. But, you have a gf that time so you want us to be friends. Just friends. Blablablabla. I called you Zayn Malik. And you called me Hayley Williams. We became closer and closer and closer until we can't stop texting. We were so like a loving couple. At that time we're not texting, we bbm. Suddenly, we stop contacting each other. We're stop bbm-ing, calling, messaging on facebook. It was on the Eid  celebration i think. After two months, i bbm you 'hi, i miss you so much' you replied. You said you missed me too and so wtv. I'm single. You're single. We're single. Then, we became like usual. Like a loving couple. On 08.10.2012, you ask me 'will you be my gf and that thing'. 5 months you waited for me. And 5 months i waited for you. At last...... We are so happy now. I hope it'll last forever. I wanna know you more. I wanna love you even more. I wanna meet you. I wanna hug you. I wanna be with you for a long time. I wanna get sucess together. I wanna get married with you. I wanna have kids with you. I wanna grow old with you. And lastly, i wanna die with you by my side. Only you. I'll love you every second, every minute, every hour, everyday, every week, every month, every year and everytime. Hafizul Hakim Bin Ekhasan, do you know why i choose you, why i said yes, why i need you and why i love you? Because i see forever in you. Much love, Alish xx 

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